Southern Historical Society Papers.
By EDWARD N. THURSTON, Charleston, S. C.
Richard Herron Anderson was born on the 7th October, 1821, near Statesburgh, in Sumter District. South Carolina, where his_ father, Dr. W. W. Anderson, planted and practiced medicine. His early school days were passed at Edge Hill Academy, in that District. He entered the United States Military Academy July 1st, 1838, and graduated July ist, 1842, when he was ap- pointed Brevet 2d Lieut, ist Dragoons. While at West Point he was universally a favorite, having many friends and no enemies.
After graduating, he was sent first to the Cavalry School for Practice, at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, where he remained until 1843, ^vhen he was ordered to Little Rock, Arkansas, on fron- tier duty, thence he was stationed at Fort Gibson and was with the command which marched to Fort Washington, Indian Ter- ritory, escorting the Indian Agent to Red River. After his re- turn he remained until 1844, and was then ordered to Fort Jessup, Louisiana. In 1845-46 he was with the troops occupy- ing Texas, thence he was ordered on recruiting service, but was engaged at the seige of Vera Cruz, in IMarch^ 1847, '^"^'^^ i^^ the skirmish at La Heya, June 20th, and with the Army of Gen. Scott, which marched on the City of Mexico, being engaged in the battle of Contreras, 19th August, and in the skirmish of San Augustine, 20th August, and in the battle of Molinodel Rey, 8th September. He was brevetted ist Lieutenant for gallant and ineritorious conduct in an affair with the enemy at San .Augus- tine, Mexico, was engaged in the operations preceding the cap- ture of the City of Mexico, September 12 and 14th. After the Mexican War he was on recruiting service, 1849, and then to the Cavalry School of Practice, at Carlisle. Penn. Again on recruiting service, 1850-52. He was then ordered to Fort Gra-