Southern Historical Society Papers.
U. S. Army.
Ewell, Richard Stoddert, Virginia, Cadet Mi4. Academy- July I, 1836. Brevet, 2d lieut of ist dragoons Aug. i, 1840, 2d lieutenant Nov. i, 1840. ist lieut Sept. 18, 1845. Captain Aug. 4, 1849. Brevet Captain Aug. 20, 1847 for gallant and meritorious conduct at the battles of Contreras and Cherubusco, Mexico. Resigned May 7, 1861.
Confederate Army.
Lieut-Col. Corps of Cavalry C. S. A., Mar. 16. 1861. Brig- Gen'l P. A. C. S. June 17, 1861. Major Gen'l P. A. C. S. Jany. 24, 1862. Lieut-Gen'l P. A. C. S May 23, 1863 Died at Spring Hill, Tenn, 1874.
[Mistake, died at Spring Plill Jan. 25th, 1872. I was in the house at the time. — H. A. Turner.]
Letter of General R. S. Ewell to General Grant.
April 16, 1865, Fort Warren. General :
You will appreciate I am sure the sentiment which prompts me to address you. Of all the misfortunes which could befall the Southern people or any Southern man, by far the greatest in my judgment would be the prevalence of the idea that they could entertain any other than feelings of unqualified indigna- tion and abhorrence for the assasination of the President of the U. S., and the attempt to assassinate the Secretary of State. No language can adequately express the shock produced upon mvself in common with the other General Officers of the Con-