Southern Historical Society Papers.
Two armies stand enrolled beneath The banner with the starry wreath ; One facing battle, blight and blast, Through twice a hundred fields has passed ; Its deeds against a rufifian foe, Stream, valley, hill and mountain know ; Till every wind that sweeps the land Goes glory laden, from the strand.
The other, with a narrower scope. Yet led by not less grander hope. Hath won perhaps, as proud a place. And wears its fame with meeker grace, Wives march beneath its glittering sign, Fond mothers swell the lovely line ; And many a sweetheart hides her blush, In the young patriot's generous flush.
No breeze of battle ever fanned
The colors of that tender band ;
Its office is beside the bed.
Where throbs some sick or wounded head ;
It does not court the soldiers' tomb.
But plies the needle and the loom,
And by a thousand peaceful deeds.
Supplies a struggling nations's needs.
Nor is that army's gentle might
Unfelt amid the deadly fight ;
It nerves the son's, the husband's hand.