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Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 39.djvu/227

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Editorials. 215

ries throughout this continent and in other lands. Each passing year adds testimony to the value and importance of the publi- cations of the Society.

The London Saturday Rez'iczv says : "They contain a mass of information relative to the late War, ivitlwut a careful study of zi'hich no librarian, hozvever limited his scope, should venture to treat any fragment of that most interesting story." .

The A'ciu England Historical Register says, that "no library, public or private, which pretends to historic fulness, can afford to be zvithout these volumes."

Dr. J. Wm. Jones, the very intelligent and efficient Secretary, was succeeded in that office by Mr. R. A. Brock, who con- tinued most faithfully the collecting and editing the papers through the thirty-eighth volume, which was published in 1910. On account of Mr. Brock's impaired health, no volume has been issued since that year.

The Southern Historical Society, in November. 1913, elected the writer as Secretary, and directed him to resume the prepa- ration of the volume, New Series, Vol. I, wdiich we now pre- sent to the members of the Society, to the people of the South and to the readers and students of history throughout the world.

James Power Smith,


Robert Aloxzo Brock.

The Souti-iern TListorical Socu^rrv, with sincere regret and profound respect, has to announce the death of Mr. Brock, for a number of years its Secretary and Editor, wdiich occurred at his home in Richmond, Virginia, on Saturday, July 11, 1914. in the seventy-sixth year of his age.

Air. Brock was born in Richmond on Alarch 9, 1839, the son of Robert King and Elizabeth Mildred (Ragland) Brock, of Hanover county. Though possessed of antiquarian tastes from childhood, Mr. Brock was bred to mercantile pursuits, and