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218 Southern Historical Society Papers.


The present volume of the Papers of the Southern Historical Society, Nezv Series, Vol. L, has been collected with care and discrimination by the Secretary, with the approval of the Pub- lishing Committee — Captain W. Gordon McCabe, Col. Archer Anderson and the Hon. George L. Christian. The papers are all of historical value. Some of them have been in print, in pamphlet or newspaper form, with limited and local circula- tion, and are now given a place in this volume, where they will find a pennanent, wide and accessible place in litera- ture. The Society is not responsible for statements made or views expressed, but offer these papers to the public as the materials of history, attesting to the reliable character of the authors. With the continued support of its members, the read- ing public and the libraries of the world, the Society will con- tinue the publication of its annual volumes. Much of valuable material remains to be collected and preserved. Our readers are requested to aid the Society by committing to our care such papers or furnishing information as to where they may be found.

Virginia State Library Bulletin — quarterly, July, October, 1913. An Author and Subject Index to the Southern Historical Society Papers, Vols. I-XXXVHI. Compiled by 'Mrs Kate Pleasants Minor, Reference Librarian, pp. 139.

This complete index of the large historical and biographical material embraced in the thirty-eight volumes of our Papers is of the greatest value to readers and students, making the ma- terial immediately accessible. It is a revelation of the amount of story and discussion which we have preserved for all time.

The Index will be sent, postpaid, for the cash payment of one dollar, from the office of the Society.