Genealogy of Jefferson Davis. 75
bodies among us will be encouraged to render assistance to historical students in that fashion. I rejoice that just now the Confederate Museum is issuing Douglas Freeman's Caler.dar of the Confederate Papers in its possession. This is a work of high importance, and the preparation and publication of it is a proof of the enlightened policy of that great corporation.
Jefferson Davis says, "Three brothers came to America from Wales in the early part of the eighteenth century. They settled at Philadelphia." (Memoir by his Wife, Vol. i, p. 3). This is a pregnant sentence indeed. This led to comparisons and afforded a clew that supplied to the subject. Taken in connec- tion with these words, the Welsh Tract Meeting and the Welsli Tract Records must acquire very high significance, and they will commend themselves in future to multitudes of people.
The opening sentences of these records describe the beginning of the church in the following words: "In the year 1701 some of us who were members of the churches of Jesus Christ in the countys of Pembroke and Caermarthen, South Wales in Great Britain, (professing believers baptism, laying-on-of-hands, election and final perseverance in grace) were moved and en- couraged in our own minds to come to these parts, viz: Penn- sylvania; and after obtaining leave of the churches it seemed good to the Lord and to us, that we should be formed into church order, as we were a sufficient number ; and as one of us was a m.inister, that was accomplished and withal letters commendatory were given us, that if we should meet with any congregations of Christian people who held the same faith with us, we might be received by them as brethren in Christ.
"Our number was sixteen : and after bidding farewell to our brethren in Wales, we sailed from Milford Haven in the month of June the year above mentioned, in a ship named James and Mary; and landed in Philadelphia the eighth of September fol- lowing .
"After landing we were received in a loving manner (on ac- count of the gospel) by the congregation meeting in Philadel- phia and Pennepek, who held to the same faith with us (ex-