Genealogy of Jefferson Davis. 85
in that particular, because his father lived in a different age. and was more secluded from the business and conflicts of life. But Jefferson Davis possessed high religious energy and de- voutness. There were pranks at school and college, but he was a sturdy and studious lad. In his public life there were many seductions and temptations, but he kept a stainless escutcheon. He failed in the greatest conflict of his life, but perhaps no other leader in the Confederacy could have come as near to success. And after defeat had claimed him for her own, he endured for many years a great burden of reproach and sorrow, with manly dignity and courage. There was displayed the ex- cellent religion of his fathers ; finer, perhaps, than any that you and I possess.
"His life was gentle ; and the elements
So mixed in him, that Nature might stand up,
And say to all the world 'This was a man.' "