O Robert Lee! O Robert Lee!
How shall thy servant speak of thee?
Whom humbly, lowly, and afar,
He followed in the track of War,
Twas thine, almost, his soul to save,
When sunk, well nigh, beneath the wave
Of Doubt, that fierce his faith assailed.
And other lights were hid, or failed.
'Twas thy grand life that told me then
That God, indeed, doth dwell with men;
'Twas thine to show His truth and grace,
In bright reflection, on thy face.
How oft, amid War's fiercest storm,
I've gazed upon thy noble form;
And, marking how serene and high
Thy mien, or how thy gentle sigh
Was breathed o'er corpse of gallant brave,
Who fell near thee, his land to save;
How oft the thought that thou wast sign
Of Might and Majesty Divine;
And token, too, of that deep love
That rules the .heart of God above ;
So deep, so wide, embracing all,
Yet caring for the sparrow's fall.
Prayer now to Heaven is humbly breathed
Sometime, somewhere, to see thee wreathed
In crown of glory, fadeless, bright,
Beyond the stars, in realms of Light.
C. H. Scott.