Page:Southern Life in Southern Literature.djvu/298

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Cite wealth and science, trade and art, Touch with thy fire the cautious mart, And pour thee through the people s heart, Carolina! Till even the coward spurns his fears, And all thy fields and fens and meres Shall bristle like thy palm with spears, Carolina! Hold up the glories of thy dead; Say how thy elder children bled, And point to Eu taw s battle-bed, Carolina! Tell how the patriot s soul was tried, And what his dauntless breast defied; How Rutledge ruled and Laurens died, Carolina! Cry! till thy summons, heard at last, Shall fall like Marion s bugle blast Reechoed from the haunted Past, Carolina! I hear a murmur as of waves That grope their way through sunless caves, Like bodies struggling in their graves, Carolina! And now it deepens; slow and grand It swells, as, rolling to the land, An ocean broke upon thy strand, Carolina!