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Page:Southern Life in Southern Literature.djvu/431

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Now, Marster Will, you knows it he s wuf mo n dat, a heap; R al y, I s a-doin wrong to let him go so cheap. Don t you tell nobody, now, what wuz de price you paid My ol oman s gwine to gib me fits, sah, I s afraid! T anks you, sah! Good-mornin , sah! You tell yo ma, fur me, I has got de fines turkeys dat she ebber see; Dey is jes as good as any pusson ebber eat. If she wants a gobbler, let her sen to Uncle Pete. Dar! I s done got rid ob dat ar wretched dog at las! Drownin time wuz comin fur him mighty precious fas! Sol him fur a dollar Well! An goodness knows de pup Is n t wuf de powder it d take to blow him up!


I se been a-watchin people an deir doings all my life, An sometimes I obsarves to Sophonisby dat s my wife Dat nuffin seldom happens what I does n t spect to see: But Peter, Dat Peter! He gits away wid me. You see he s been to Oakland, an his larnin is profound; I heered him sayin yes day dat the yearth kep turnin round! Dat pears to me ridiculous but I nebber wuz to school And Peter, Dat Peter! He lows dat I se a fool.