Page:Spaewife, or, universal fortune teller.pdf/20

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G.Ten children you will have if this card you get,
And, I think you will wish for no more;
If you try again and this card you still get,
You cannot have less than a score.

The Knave of Hearts.

L.This rascally knave will your fortune confound,
Except special care you shall take;
While scores of young lovers your steps surround
You’ll accept of a doating old rake.

G.Nothing can ever save the man
Who draws this cursed card;
A vixen shall his heart trepan;
Alas! his case is hard.

The Queen of Hearts.

L.The queen of love will favour
Who draws the queen of hearts,
And many a blessing will confer,
The fruit of female hearts.

G.From girl to girl you’ll often range,
Never with one content;
But yet the oftener you shall change,
The oftener you’ll repent.

The King of Hearts.

L.If this you draw, condemned through life,
A peevish maiden, and a vexen wife;
Unchaste while married and a widow wanton.

G.Your fortune can’t be mighty good,
For a vile vixen will please you,
Who never would do what she should,
But make your life uneasy.