Page:Spaewife, or, universal fortune teller.pdf/8

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THE palms of the hands contain a great variety of lines running in different directions, every one of which bears a certain relation to the events of a person’s life; and from them, with the utmost infallible certainty, can be told every circumstance that will happen to any one, by observing them properly. It is, therefore, recommended to pay strict attention to this subject, and by doing so, you will undoubtedly gain very excellent knowledge for your trouble.

In the first place the names of the lines are given as they hold their places, and then the particulars concerning them.

There are five particular lines in the hand, viz. :— The Line of Life, or Life Line; the Line of Death, the Table Line, the Girdle of Venus, and the Line of Fortune. Besides these there are other lines, as the Line of Saturn, the Lever Line, and some others, but these only serve to explain the principal lines.

The chief line on which persons of the profession lay the greatest stress, is the Line of Life, or Life Line as it is here called, which generally takes its rise where the thumb joint plays with the wrist, on the inside, and runs in an oblique direction to the inside of the innermost joint of the fore finger. If the Line of Life is crossed by other lines on or near the wrist, the person will meet with sickness in the beginning of life; you may judge if the person will live long, as the longer the line, the longer the life.

The next line of importance is the Line of Death, which separates the fleshy part of the hand on the little finger side, from the hollow of the hand, running in various directions in different persons. If the line is short, and runs even, without being broken or divided, it shows that the person will enjoy a good length of days, and not be subject to many maladies; but if it is interrupted, it evidently shows that the person’s life will be endangered by illness, but by the care of Providence will recover.

The Table Line originates with the Life Line, at the wrist, and runs through the hollow of the hand