The Star
Denotes happiness if in the clear, and at the top of the cup; clouded, or in the thick, it signifies long life, though exposed to various vicissitudes and troubles. If dots are above it it foretells good fortune, wealth, high respectability, &c. Several stars denotes so many good and happy children will cause you gref and vexation in your old age, and that you ought to prevent it by giving them a good education in time.
The Dog.
Being at all times the emblem of fidelity or envy, has also a two-fold meaning here. At the top, in the clear, it signifies true and faithful friends; but if his image be surrounded with clouds and dashes, it shows that those whom you take for your friends, are not to be depended on; but if the dog be at the bottom of the cup, you have to dread the effects of extreme envy or jealousy.
The Lily.
If this emblem be at the top, or in the middle of the cup, it signifies that the consulting party either has or will have a a virtuous spouse, if it be at the bottom it denotes quite the reverse. In the clear the lily further betokens a long and happy life; if clouded, or in the thick, it portends trouble and vexation, especially on the part of one’s relations.
The Cross.
Be it one or more, it generally predicts adversities. Its position varies, and so the circumstances. If it be in the top, and in the