ing in the sea when it is muddy signifies great peril and danger.
Rocks. A good dream for those going into business, as it shows stability therein.
Sea. To dream you are walking on the sea is good to him that would take a wife, for he shall enjoy her.
Silk. To dream you are clothed in silk signifies honour. To dream that you trade with a stranger denotes profit and joy.
Singing. To dream that you are singing betokens some melancholy news; if you are unwell, it shows a speedy recovery; if in prison, you will soon be set free.
Soldiers. To dream of soldiers shows trouble, persecutions, and law-suits: if they pursue you, it shews that you will be disliked by your rich neighbours
Sprats. To dream of sprats denotes you will have a large family of children. If you dream of cooking them, your children, will give you great deal of trouble.
Stars. To dream you behold the stars shinning very bright is success to the lover, and glad news from a far country, if they fall it denotes health and happiness.
Sun. To dream you see the sun shining de- notes accumulation of wealth and filling posts of honour, in the state.
Tavern. To dream yon are feasting with friends in a tavern signifies great joy, and comfort to you and yours.
Teeth. To dream of losing your teeth shows the loss of some friend by death, and that great trouble is about to accompany you.