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re and shall be subject to the same incompatibilities as judges.

4. An organic act shall make provision for membership, organization and duties of the Auditing Court.


Territorial Organization of the State


General Principles

Section 137

Territorial organization of State2, 140, 141, 143 CThe State is organised territorially into municipalities, provinces and the Self-governing Communities that may be constituted. All these bodies shall enjoy self-government for the management of their respective interests.

Section 138

Principle of solidarity between all regions2, 9.2, 130, 158.2 C1. The State guarantees the effective implementation of the principle of solidarity proclaimed in section 2 of the Constitution, by endeavouring to establish a fair and adequate economic balance between the different areas of the Spanish territory and taking into special consideration the circumstances pertaining to those which are islands.

No provileges2, 14, 130, 139 C2. Differences between Statutes of the different Self-governing Communities may in no case imply economic or social privileges.

Section 139

Equal rights and duties everywhere2, 14, 138,1. All Spaniards have the same rights and obligations in any part of the State territory.