Page:Special 301 Report 1996.pdf/19

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Romania provides no pipeline patent protection for pharmaceuticals despite assurances under the U.S.-Romania Trade Agreement to "exert best efforts" to enact such legislation by December 1993. However, the Romanian Government passed a new copyright law on March 13, 1996 which appears to meet international standards. We will monitor developments over the coming year to ensure that the new law is effectively implemented and enforced in order to end (1) the piracy of U.S. motion pictures by TV stations in Romania, (2) the production of pirated audio cassettes and (3) piracy of American books.

South Africa is provisionally removed from the Watch List. In September 1996, an out-of-cycle review will be conducted to confirm that (1) the legislative changes to which South Africa committed itself in December 1995 are being expeditiously accomplished; and (2) legislation has been introduced into Parliament and other appropriate measures have been undertaken which would bring South Africa into compliance with its international obligations and resolve outstanding trademark concerns.

Taiwan has continued to make significant strides in improving the protection of intellectual property in Taiwan. As a result, Taiwan is being removed from the watch list. However, concerns remain about certain aspects of IPR protection and enforcement in Taiwan. As result, an 18 point action plan was concluded in late April. The plan outlines improvements to be made in such areas as cross-strait piracy, enforcement, education and the export monitoring system. To monitor implementation, an out-of-cycle review will be conducted in October.

Vietnam U.S. works do not receive copyright protection in Vietnam unless published in Vietnam within 30 days of their first publication elsewhere, basically leaving all U.S. works without protection in Vietnam. Discussions have begun to conclude a bilateral agreement with Vietnam which would establish bilateral copyright relations, and in doing so, bring Vietnam into closer conformity with Berne Convention requirements. Other issues must be addressed in the context of the broader bilateral trade agreement that is being negotiated to allow Vietnam to receive MFN status.