Page:Special 301 Report 2004.pdf/38

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  • In August 2003, New Zealand's 2002 Trade Marks Act entered into force. The act creates new criminal offenses for counterfeiting trademarks and increases the penalties for pirating copyright goods.
  • In August 2003, Poland adopted a national IPR strategy and objectives to combat piracy.
  • In August 2003, Slovenia adopted regulations dealing with biotechnological inventions, supplementary protection for medicinal products and supplementary protection certificates for plan protection products.
  • Since the Duarte Administration took office in August 2003, the Paraguayan Government has beefed up efforts to seize pirated CDs.


  • Egypt became party to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) on September 6, 2003.
  • Following passage ofa new trademark law in December 1999, India published implementing regulations to put the new trademark law into effect in September 2003. The new Trademark Act provides protection for service marks for the first time.
  • On September 19, 2003, the Mexican Ministries of Health and Economy implemented a presidential decree requiring applicants for safety and health registrations to show proof of patent and proof that test data was obtained in a legitimate manner.
  • In Brazil, a Congressional Caucus on piracy and tax evasion was formed in September 2003.
  • China's National Copyright Administration issued the Measures on the Implementation of Administrative Penalties in Copyright Cases in July 2003 and became effective September 2003.
  • In September 2003, the Greek Parliament ratified the WIPO Copyright Treaty and the WIPO Performance and Phonograms Treaty.
  • In September 2003, Mexico's Office of the Attorney General's Special IPR Enforcement Unit became operational.
  • In September 2003, Mexico's new compulsory licensing law on patents came into effect. The original draft of this bill was very broad, but the cooperation of the Mexican government was helpful in this effort and the results were positive for U.S. pharmaceutical investment interests.
  • In September 2003, Saudi Arabia's updated Copyright Law was officially published. The new copyright law allows for stricter regulation of intellectual property and stronger deterrent penalties including jail terms and increased fines.
  • In Saudi Arabia, a September 2003 Judicial Decision issued by the Board of Grievances increased the scope of icons that may receive trademark protection.
  • In September 2003, Taiwan's Ministry of Justice conducted a successful raid against book piracy.