Page:Special 301 Report 2006.pdf/33

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enforcement. The United States encourages Bolivia to strengthen its copyright laws and ratify and implement the WIPO Internet Treaties. The United States also urges Bolivia to increase its IPR enforcement efforts, including providing for civil ex parte searches, preventing unwarranted delays in civil enforcement, providing adequate civil and criminal damages in copyright cases, and strengthening border measures. The U.S. copyright industry continues to report that music piracy in Bolivia is so rampant that all international recording companies have closed their offices in Bolivia. Other copyright problems include commercial photocopying of books, unauthorized translations of books, video piracy, and entertainment software piracy. The United States encourages Bolivia to improve its IPR legislative regime in 2006, as well as increase its IPR enforcement efforts to combat piracy and counterfeiting.

Bulgaria will remain on the Watch List in 2006. The United States notes that Bulgaria has made some improvements this past year in improving IPR legislation, coordinating among intergovernmental agencies, strengthening enforcement measures against optical disc piracy, and raising public awareness of IPR. For example, in February 2006, the newly formed interagency Council of Intellectual Property Protection approved amendments to the penal code criminalizing the possession of counterfeit products. The United States encourages Bulgaria'S Government to make further IPR improvements by engaging in sustained and consistent enforcement activities, devoting sufficient resources to combat piracy and counterfeiting, improving IPR legislation, and attacking the growing problem of Internet piracy. In particular, Bulgaria's Government should make judicial enforcement in the courts a priority, including providing IPR training to prosecutors and judges, urging courts and prosecutors to make IPR infringement a priority, encouraging the completion of prosecutions and civil court cases on a timely basis, and seeking deterrent penalties for IPR violations. The United States also remains concerned with patent issues, namely the apparent lack of injunctive relief in patent infringement cases, and the requirement of a valid patent as a prerequisite for receiving protection against unfair commercial use of undisclosed test and other data submitted by pharmaceutical companies seeking marketing approval for their products. There also remain trademark infringement problems in Bulgaria, including continuing problems with counterfeit distilled spirits. The United States hopes that Bulgaria will continue its efforts to combat piracy and counterfeiting and to improve its overall IPR regime.

Canada is being retained on the Watch List in 2006, and the United States will conduct an Out-of-Cycle Review to monitor Canada's progress on IPR issues under the leadership of its new government. Due to the dissolution of Canada's Parliament in late 2005 and elections in early 2006, Canada's legislative progress on IP issues in 2005 was interrupted. The United States looks to the new government to make progress on IPR issues a priority in the coming year. Key areas for action include the ratification and implementation of the WIPO Internet Treaties, amendment of the copyright law to provide adequate and effective protection of copyrighted works in the digital environment, and the enactment of legislation to protect against unfair commercial use of undisclosed test and other data submitted by pharmaceutical companies seeking marketing approval for their products. The United States also calls on Canada to improve its IPR enforcement system so that it can take effective action against the trade in counterfeit and pirated products within Canada, as well as curb the amount of infringing products