Page:Special 301 Report 2012.pdf/42

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Watch List


Belarus remains on the Watch List in 2012. The United States remains concerned about Belarus' implementation of the IPR commitments made under the United States-Belarus Trade Relations Agreement of 1993. Belarus took some steps in 2011 to strengthen IPR protection and enforcement, including notably the adoption of measures to liberalize foreign trade requirements, including with respect to IPR, and the enactment of the law on copyrights and related rights. In addition, the creation of the Customs Union with Kazakhstan and Russia has led to some improvements through the harmonization of regulatory principles for IPR, although more work in this area is necessary. Piracy and counterfeiting, however, remain widespread in Belarus, and IPR enforcement efforts continue to be weak and ineffective. The United States encourages Belarus to enact regulations to implement the 2011 law on copyright and neighboring rights and continues to urge Belarus to provide its enforcement officials with ex officio authority to investigate cases, seize infringing goods, and prosecute IPR violations. Belarus should also provide adequate scope for ex parte searches. The United States continues to encourage Belarus to improve its copyright legal framework and to fully implement the WIPO Internet Treaties. The United States will continue to monitor Belarus' progress on these and other matters, including efforts to implement provisions of the Custom Union Customs Code that authorize Belarus to grant ex officio authority to its customs officials, and to create a unified trademark registry.


Bolivia remains on the Watch List in 2012. Bolivia's Intellectual Property Office recently undertook efforts to improve public awareness about IPR protection and enforcement, and the United States finds these efforts encouraging. However, high levels of piracy and counterfeiting persist, and there is a continued need to improve criminal and civil IPR enforcement. Bolivia should provide for more efficient prosecution of IPR violations, for better coordination among Bolivian enforcement authorities, and for additional resources to be allocated to enforcement officials. The United States looks forward to continuing to work with Bolivia to address these and other matters.


Brazil remains on the Watch List in 2012. Brazil continued to made progress in 2011, in particular by undertaking significant enforcement efforts across the country. Enforcement officials, under the coordination of the National Council to Combat Piracy (CNCP), conducted raids that resulted in the seizure of millions of items with a value estimated at over $1 billion dollars, and in the permanent closure of hundreds of shops selling pirated and counterfeit goods. The United States encourages Brazil to follow through with arrests and prosecutions of IPR