Page:Special 301 Report 2012.pdf/44

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taking steps to address continuing problems with optical disc piracy. The United States looks forward to continuing to work with Colombia to address these and other matters.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica remains on the Watch List in 2012. Costa Rica made progress in 2011 by enacting legislation to provide for criminal remedies for violations of performers' rights and of other related rights, and by promulgating regulations to implement its CAFTA-DR commitment with respect to limitations on liability for Internet service providers. Costa Rica also took steps to address concerns over the lack of enforcement actions against IPR violations, and the prosecutor has established a new policy regarding the prosecution of IPR-related crimes. The United States encourages Costa Rica to continue its efforts to resolve these longstanding issues. In addition, Costa Rica should take concrete steps to improve its overall IPR enforcement efforts, and should make actively combating IPR violations a higher priority. Costa Rica should devote more resources to enforcement efforts, and should impose deterrent penalties. The United States looks forward to continuing to work with Costa Rica to address these and other matters.

Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic remains on the Watch List in 2012. The Dominican Republic took positive steps in 2011 to continue its implementation of obligations under CAFTA-DR, including by making progress toward ensuring that the government uses only licensed software, by acceding to the Trademark Law Treaty, and by continuing its IPR enforcement efforts. However, concerns remain, especially with respect to the widespread availability of pirated and counterfeit products. IPR enforcement agencies in the Dominican Republic continue to suffer from a lack of coordination, cooperation among enforcement agencies, resources, and training. The United States encourages the Dominican Republic to implement its obligations with respect to providing an effective system for protecting against the unfair commercial use, as well as unauthorized disclosure, of test or other data generated to obtain marketing approval for pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical products, and to provide an effective system to address patent issues expeditiously in connection with applications to market pharmaceutical products. The United States also urges the Dominican Republic to fully implement its CAFTA-DR obligations with respect to patent term adjustment. The United States looks forward to continuing to work with the Dominican Republic to address these and other issues.


Ecuador remains on the Watch List in 2012. The United States appreciates recent statements from Ecuador's IPR officials regarding the need to create a culture of respect for IPR and hopes that Ecuador will work to translate these statements into effective IPR protection and enforcement. Concerns remain about rampant piracy and counterfeiting. Ecuador has not established the specialized IPR courts required under Ecuador's 1998 IPR law. The United