Page:Special 301 Report 2013.pdf/44

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pictures in theaters, to provide Thai Customs with ex officio authority, to fully implement the provisions of the WIPO Internet Treaties, and to establish improved legal mechanisms to address the rapidly growing problem of copyright piracy and trademark counterfeiting on the Internet. The United States also urges Thailand to take enforcement action against widespread piracy and counterfeiting in the country, and to impose deterrent-level sentences. The United States urgesThailand to effectively address its longstanding problem of piracy of cable and satellite signals. The United States encourages Thailand to provide an effective system for protecting against the unfair commercial use, as well as unauthorized disclosure, of test or other data generated to obtain marketing approval for pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical products. The United States continues to encourage Thailand to engage in a meaningful and transparent manner with all relevant stakeholders, including IPR owners, as it considers ways to address Thailand's public health challenges, while maintaining a patent system that promotes innovation. The United States looks forward to continuing to work with Thailand to address these and other issues.


Venezuela remains on the Priority Watch List in 2013. The United States encourages Venezuela to update its 1955 Industrial Property Law, which was reinstated in 2008, to create a strong IPR law that covers a wide range of patentable inventions and that brings its system into conformity with international norms. Venezuela should also clarify the status of trademarks that were registered under the Andean Community law, prior to Venezuela's withdrawal from the Andean Community. Venezuela took limited enforcement actions in 2012. Venezuela should more effectively enforce the 2010 Law on Crimes and Contraband to issue stronger penalties for IPR violations. The United States remains concerned about rampant piracy and counterfeiting, including piracy over the Internet. The United States encourages Venezuela to provide an effective system for protecting against the unfair commercial use, as well as unauthorized disclosure, of undisclosed test or other data generated to obtain marketing approval for pharmaceutical products. The United States will continue to monitor Venezuela's progress on these and other issues.



USTR is placing Barbados on the Watch List in 2013. The United States is concerned about local TV and radio broadcasters' refusal to pay for public performances of music. United States rights holders complain that both private and government-owned broadcasters in Barbados either fail to obtain licenses from the Copyright Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers Inc. (COSCAP) or fail to pay for all of the applicable rights even if they are licensed by COSCAP. In addition, even though the Barbados Copyright Tribunal was finally convened in 2012, it has not yet acted to determine the amount due to COSCAP pursuant to a 2007 judgment of the Barbados Supreme Court that found copyright infringement violations. The United States urges the