Page:Specimens of German Romance (Volume 3).djvu/25

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followed him on leaving the diligence! The consequences were likely to be unpleasant, more especially as, according to Wagen’s assurance, a band of robbers had been lurking about in the country for some weeks. It was this, indeed, which had been the occasion of his accompanying Eloisa and her aunt so far upon their journey, and he could not help agreeing with me that the affair was likely to prove embarrassing. With such a prospect before me, the day at Rudendorf turned out much less agreeable than I had expected; I grew dull, morose, and taciturn.

“My friend,” said Wagen at last, “you annoy me more with your confounded silence, than if you were to burst out into a thousand extravagancies. But trust yourself to me; I’ll cure you of your whims.”

“Whither?” I exclaimed, as he started up; but he hurried out of the room without making any reply, leaving me in no good humour, either with him or myself. In a few minutes he returned.

“There is but one physician in the world