Page:Specimens of German Romance (Volume 3).djvu/37

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“He accosted me,” replied Eloisa, “as is the custom at such balls, and, as he appeared to be a respectable man, I allowed him to accompany me. On this very account I thought it only polite to wait till he himself chose to reveal his name, and I should imagine, in so doing, have acted with more propriety than you do, when you demand of me to put off an allowed incognito.

Another man, and, as it seemed, also of the police, drew the first aside and whispered something in his ear, while I took the opportunity of approaching Eloisa. This singular event removed at once all coldness. She said that she had recognised me on my entrance into the saloon, but assured me that the domino with the tall white feather was perfectly unknown to her. At the same time she proposed that I should mediate for herself and her aunt with the police officer, as neither of them would like to be known in their present dress. On turning round to comply with her request I observed the eyes of the Frenchman fixed steadfastly upon me, and it was plain enough that what