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to habits of serious reflection, elevated devotion, and progressive virtue.

Do not think that this intimacy with God will make your life too serious to be cheerful and happy. Does the thought of a kind and considerate parent make sad the heart of a dutiful child? Be dutiful to your father in heaven, and the thought of him will be a source of gladness to you. And the gloomiest and darkest hour will be cheerful to you who have a refuge in the thought of a gracious Author and Preserver, who will acknowledge you as his children, and make you happy for ever. Amen.




Impress your minds with reverence for all that is sacred. Let no wantonness of youthful spirits, no compliance with the intemperate mirth of others, ever betray you into profane sallies. Besides the guilt which is thereby incurred, nothing gives a more odious appearance of petulance and presumption to youth, than the affectation of treating religion with levity. Instead of