Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 6.djvu/474

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Baez (President)—Continued
179; Dominican Republic hostile to, 180, 186; aided by United States, 189, 208, 209, 210, 212, 213, 214, 217, 2l8, 222, 224, 225, 226, 236, 244, 418

Bailey, III., gives information as to scheme of Chandler to be again a Senator, 405

Baker, Edward Dickenson, I., killed at Ball's Bluff, 220

Baker, representative, III., 118

Ball, Rev. Dr., IV., 222

Baltimore Convention, II., 375, 379, 380, 384, 439, 447

Bancroft, Frederic, I., viii., 223 n.

Bancroft, George, V., 128, 133

Banks, Governor, I., 46, 47, 75, 76

Banks, National, see Currency

Barrett, John, VI., Minister to Siam, 86, 159, 247

Barstow, Governor, I., 23

Bates, Edward, I., as a possible Presidential candidate, 107, 111, 113

Baxter, N., Jr., II., signs letter to Schurz from over two hundred ex-Confederate soldiers, 307

Bayard, Thomas F., III., to, 225; to, 507; from, 508; IV., from, 146; from, 151; to, 205; from, 208; to, 213; suggested by Beecher in Cleveland's place, 222; from, 291; to, 291; to, 296; consulted by Cleveland, 304; spoken of, for Cabinet position, 348; political affiliations, a bar to secretaryship of the Treasury, 349; wide reputation in Democratic party, 352; possessed of statesmanlike qualities, 353; asked to protest against Whitney's being a Cabinet officer, 355; Lamar to discuss Schurz's letter with, 359; to, 420; to, 437; from, 439; to, 442; from, 477; to, 493; to, 506; V., to, 1; from, 7; official conduct of, being secretly inquired into by the Senate, 9; to, 9; to, 15; from, 16; from, 17; from, 333; to 338; from, 458; to, 464

Beach, James, II., 29

Bear's Ear, IV., 108

Beattie, IV., surveyor, port of New York, 407

Beauregard (General), Pierre Gustave Toutant, I., 464

Bechtner, Paul, IV., to, 275

Beecher (Rev.), Henry Ward, I., 415; from, 222; to, 222; agrees with Schurz concerning Cleveland, 224 n.

Belknap, Wm. W. (Secretary of War), III., 124, 133, 222, 224, 281, 292; V., sanctioned sale of arms, 37

Bell, Alonzo, IV., from, 147

Bell, John, I., 137

Benton-Stone case, IV., 465 and n., 468, 475

Benton, Thomas Hart, III., 179

Berlin, V., man of culture, as Minister to, 128, 129

Berlin Conference, V., in re Samoa, 3, 7, 10, 16, 18

Big Bull, IV., 109

Big Snake, IV., killing of, 148, see also letter to Henry L. Dawes, February 7, 1881

Biglin, Barney, IV., 349

Bill of Indictment, the, I., 162 and n.

Billings, Frederick, III., 232; from, 408

Bird Club, III., 115

Bird, F. W., III., to, 229

Bird, Mrs. F. W., III., 230

Birney, William, VI., as Presidential nominee, 203, 204

Bismarck, Prince, IV., praised by the Kaiser, 498, 499; 503, 507, 508, 509; V., Samoan business, 1, 3, 5, 10, 16; VI., 357

Bissell, W. S., V., 176; to, 249,

Björnson, Björnstjerne, V., to, 513

Black, Governor, V., 520

Blaine, James G., III., 218, 219, 220, 232, 239, 283, 287; Blaine letters, 386, 388, 402, 419, 421, 506; IV., as a civil service reformer, 154, 155, 156; Kansas strongly for, 200; Schurz doubts his carrying New York, 201; nomination of, might mean breaking up of the party, 202; nomination of, likely, 203; large coampaign fund at disposal of, 206; election of, a calamity, 207, 208, 212, 214, 215, 216; not a weak candidate, 206,210; Lodge feels compelled to vote for, 219; Why James G. Blaine should not be President, 224; his election would mean that honesty is no longer an essential for public officials, 226; Little Rock and Fort