Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 6.djvu/476

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Brewer, Gardner, I., 46

Brice, James, Jr., III., 117

Bridge, Samuel J., II., 139

Bright, John, III., representative Englishman, 46; VI., and free trade, 364

Bright Eyes, IV., 68, 109, 147, 148

Brimmer, Martin, III., 248

Bristow, Benjamin H., III., and the Independents, 218; to, 220; from, 221; as probable Presidential candidate, 223, 224; to, 226; growing in favor in Michigan, 230, 239; nomination favored by Independents, 250; nomination defeated, 334, 335; suggested by Schurz for Secretary of the Treasury, 379; may be ruled out of Hayes Cabinet, 388; more Cabinet rumors, 390; recommended for Cabinet, by Schurz, 392, 393, 394, 398, 399; Ohio Republicans oppose, 401 n.; Hayes Cabinet not yet announced, 402, 403, 406; from, 409; from, 410; to, 416; to, 417; from, 418; to, 419; to, 419; from, 422; V., nomination of, not effected by Fifth Avenue Hotel Conference, 83

Brooklyn Independent Republican Committee, IV., 409

Brooks, E. J., IV., 97, 98

Brooks, Preston, sudden death of, I., 30; III., attacks Sumner in the Senate, 29, 32; cartoon, 57

Brown, Albert G., I., 131

Brown, Charles, vs. the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, IV., 169, 184

Brown, B. Gratz, I., 276; from, 521; II., 2; nominated for governor, 32, 42, 50; agreement between Greeley, Blair and, 362, 368; Greeley denies communication with, 382, 383; nominated Vice-President, 428

Brown, Governor (Ga.), I., 254

Brown, Henry Armitt, III., to, 153

Brown, John, I., 154, 155

Brown (Jr.), Neill S., I., signs letter to Schurz from over two hundred ex-Confederate soldiers, 307

Bruce, Blanche K., IV., 89

Bruce, Sir Fred., I., 375

Bryan, Wm. Jennings, V., change in basis of United States monetary system advocated by, 287; monetary policy of, 291; effect of election of, to Presidency, 294; some free-silver utterances of, 296, 301, 308, 311, 312, 313, 320; ways of the gold-bug, 320; store of misinformation accumulated by, 330; VI., anti-imperialist, 121, 190; defeat of 1896, 191, 192; losing votes through free-coinage of silver plank, 199; not affected by third ticket, 202; speech by, commended 202; letter of acceptance likely to do harm, 203; as Presidential candidate in 1896 and 1900, in reference to the silver question, 204-213; averse to pledging himself to non-interference with the money standard, 256; adheres to bimetalism, 257; financial dangers attending election of, 258; silver debate closed by defeat of, 259; if defeated, his own fault, 264, 265; praise of speech at Indianapolis, 264, 266; evil genius of anti-imperialistic party, 276

Bryanism, V., Republican party a bulwark against, 451, 475

Bryant, Wm. Cullen, III., 225, 229

Bryce, James, IV., to, 286; V., friendship of, for the United States, 477; VI., from, 47; true friendship of, 107

Bryson, O. C, II., 472

Buchanan, James, I., and the slavery question, 24, 29; dissatisfaction in Democratic party, 30, 34; protest against Administration of, 37; slavery in the territories, 86; agitation in the North, 140; sympathizes with the South, 173; Washington may be seized by secessionists, 178; II., corruption in office during Administration of, 139; annexation of Texas, 220; war powers asked by, 243; III., election of, defeats anti-slavery movement, 29; feud of Douglas and, 321; V., triumph of slave-power during Administration of, 394

Buckingham, William A., II., 335

Buell, General, I., 216, 217, 220

Bullock, Governor (Ga.), III., 136, 146, 225, 229

Bunce, F. M., Lieutenant-Commander, II., 211