Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 6.djvu/484

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“moral convictions,” 104; slavery voted up or down, 105; the “great struggle between two antagonistic systems,” 106; III., Schurz praises Sumner's pluck, 28, 321

Drake, C. D., I., from, 480; to, 481; Grant entrusts his interests to, 520; II., made Chief Justice, Court of Claims, 1; Schurz's Senatorial colleague, 32 et seq., 48, 59; VI., controversy with, 443

Dred Scott decision, I., 128, 129, 135, 140, 157; V., 394

Dreyfus outrage discredited the name of republic, VI., 25, 56, 118

Drury (Louisiana legislature), III., 118

Duddenhausen, IV., restoration of, to office, 451

Dudley, Wm. Wade, V., offers to buy votes in “blocks of five,” 98; discountenanced by party leaders, 100

Dudymott, Nelson, IV., 179

Dumas, Alexandre, père, VI., 346

Dundy, Judge, III., and the Ponca case, 485, 496, 497, 505; IV., 74

Dunn, C. C., III., 117

Dupre (Louisiana legislature), III., 118

Duray vs. Hallenbeck, IV., 170, 184, 185

Durell, Judge Edward H., III., 79, 81, 84, 85, 86, 126, 132, 141

Durkee, Charles, I., contributes to campaign fund, 79 n.

Dyer, Colonel, II., 28


Early, Jubel Anderson, I., 235

Eaton, Dorman B., V., on civil service in England, 158

Editor's Preface, I., v.

Edmunds, George F., II., uses influence to secure an appointment, 134; III., sustains McEnery, 80; suggested for Cabinet position, 380; delegates of, to coöperate with those of Sherman and Blaine, 506; IV., to, 150; to, 152; from, 153; spoken of as Presidential nominee, 201; delegates to propose, 219; protectionist, 224; favorite of the “Independent Republicans,” 225; to, 425; to, 426; from, 428; Schurz differs with G. F. Williams, in estimate of, 431; to, 431; from, 433; to, 433; from, 434; VI., efforts of, to suppress levying campaign tax, 146

Eggleston, Edward, IV., from, 114

Ehrich, Louis, VI., efforts of, to induce Bryan to promise noninterference with the money standard, 256; to, 266; to, 352

Election bill, V., 69, 71, 73, 75

Electoral Commission, III., 367, 395

Electoral votes, III., 339, 345

Eliot, Charles William, President of Harvard, VI., favors independence of Philippines, 349

Elkins, IV., assisted by Blaine influence, 477

Ellett, A. L., IV., collector United States inter-revenue, 419

Ellsworth, Ephraim Elmer, I., and his Zouaves, 180, 181

Ely, Robert Erskine, VI., to, 427

Emancipation, I., 197, 206, 207, 208, 215, 228, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 261; III., 31, 33, 35; proclamation, 39; advocated by Sumner, 62; carpetbaggers, negro's worst enemy since his, 89; IV., combated at first, preferred in time, 381

Emancipators, I., 254 n.

Emott, James, III., 227

England, V., change of party in power, 168; VI., world's peace secured by our friendship with, 17, 18; curtailment of power through disarmament, a world calamity, 435

Evans, Hon. Sylvanus, I., 296

Evarts, Charles O., IV., 47

Evarts, Wm. M., III., 379, 380, 381, 388, 395, 398, 401 n., 403; IV., speaks for Blaine, 254

Everett, Edward, I., 137

Evart, Hamilton Glover, V., 74

Ewing, Thomas, I., 398; III., 320, 324; IV., 23, 26

Expansion of currency, II., 473; of territory, VI., arguments used in favor of, 14; how regarded by Europeans, 25