Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 6.djvu/497

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McKinley, WilliamContinued
Schurz to Washington and dines him at the White House, 272; answers evasively as to treaty, 273; influenced by sugar speculators, 274; advocated free trade with Porto Rico, but used Executive influence to secure tariff legislation, 275

McKinley, Mrs., VI., 273

McVeagh, Wayne, IV., 81, 89; to, 435

MacMahon, General, VI., drawn into intrigues of monarchical party, 56

Mackey, Dr., I., 292

Madison, James, I., against slavery, 93, 96, 103, 137, 146; II., and the cession of West Florida, 229-235; V., as a Constitutional authority, 162, 164; on the four-year rule, 165; removal for cause, 166

Magone, Collector, IV., 457

Mahone, William, IV., 419, 440

Manifest destiny, V., term used to cover many interests, 191 et seq.; what duties annexation entails, 196; desirable and undesirable territory for annexation, 196-198; Democratic institutions and the tropics, 199; the Anglo-Saxon and foreign countries, 202; people of the tropics as members of our National family, 204; the Hawaiian Islands, 205; advantage of our present condition, 206; improbability of our being attacked by any European nation, 208; Hawaii an element of weakness, 209; temptation in having a large navy, 211; the real “manifest destiny,” of the United States, 259, 512

Manning, Daniel, IV., discussed for Treasury appointment, 349, 351, 352, 353, 354; appointment of, 355, 356, 357

Mansfield, General, I., 220

Marsh, George P., I., 176 Marshall (Chief Justice), John, III., admiration of Charles Sumner for, 6; V., fascinated by Webster's eloquence, 434

Martin, Barney, V., 240

Martindale, E. B., III., 422

Martine, IV., 484

Mason and Dixon's line, IV., 398

Mason, James M., I., debate on slavery, 145, 146, 148; as a slaveowner in Europe, 237

Massachusetts, I., and the suffrage question, 41, 43, 45, 48 n.; and proscription, 67, 68, 69; representative position of, 70; and the “two-years amendment,” 72; Know-Nothings of, 73; responsibility of, 74; Yankee, 75; Republican party in, 76; V., Reform Club of, speech before, 40; dinner given by, 84; VI., 428

Mass-meetings, American, described, I., 3

Mataafa, V., probable Samoan king, 5

Matill, I., the Department of State and Canada, 519

Matthews, General, II., 235

Matthews, Stanley, III., 352

Maximilian, Emperor, VI., of Mexico, 158, 175

Maxwell (Post-Office Department), V., 140, 171, 176

May conference, see Fifth Avenue Hotel conference

Maynard, V., nomination of, 244

Meade, IV., removal of, 401

Means, William, IV., 404

Medill, Joseph, III., 402 n.; IV., to, 154

Meeker massacre, III., 504; IV., 92

Memminger, C. G., II., from, 255

Merrimon, Augustus Summerfield, II., 486, 490

Merritt, General, VI., recruits for the Philippines, 16, 85; strengthens Dewey, 232

Metcalf, L. S., IV., 222, 223; to, 509

Mexican war, III., 12, 22

Mexico, I., 128, 140, 141, 142, 200 et seq.; II., 84; war vessels sent to the Gulf of, 191 et seq.; III., 34; IV., 42; V., as capital of the United States, 193, 205; under Diaz, 199, 481; war with, 442; VI., 12, 13, 34, 35, 94, 106, 158, 186, 246, 247, 370

Meyer, Adolph, I., to, 182

Meyer, Heinrich, I., to, 32; to, 407

Meysenbug, Malwida von, I., to, 5

Miles (General), Nelson A., IV., and the Ponca Indians, 106, 107, 108; VI., interview with, interesting reading, 306