hangs out with. By the way, where was Carter? I didn't see him."
"I did—at least I think I did," declared Speedy. "He kept under cover, but I'm pretty sure he was there."
They were leaving the vicinity of the river now and were running through a better lighted and more thickly populated district.
"Say, why are you chasing up this guy Carter, Speedy?" Danny asked curiously. "Is it something about Jane?"
"Oh, no—a personal matter between him and me," Speedy answered quickly, though he knew this was not quite the truth.
"Well, have it your own way," sighed Danny. "Meantime, I've got to take this 'bus down to the garage and leave her. I'm off duty tonight. I'll drop you at your door if you like."
"No, I'll ride down with you, Danny. There's something I want to talk to you about. This Carter business put it out of my mind for the moment."
The garage of the Only One Taxi Co., was located three blocks east of De Lacey Street. Danny drove his cab up to the huge rolling doors and an attendant pushed them open. Between twenty and thirty cabs were parked inside the big armory-like garage. Several motors were running and the air was filled with the acrid smell of exhaust smoke and gasoline. Three or four men in overalls were working on some of the cars. Danny maneuvered his 'bus skillfully around the crowded floor and brought it to rest in a line of similar ma-