field, he flashed a backward look and saw that his relentless pursuers were still on his trail.
Undaunted, he turned and dashed along the space between the back of the boxes and the first row of seats, leaving this avenue to leap up into the left field bleachers where the grandstand ended. He had nearly encompassed the whole field in this way and was very close to being completely exhausted and out of breath. He saw a door leading down into some subterranean depths below the grandstand, and tried it. It was open. He pushed in quickly and closed it after him.
"What's the matter, kid?" asked the booming, humorous voice that Speedy recognized. Babe Ruth, in uniform, was coming up from the Yankee dressing room to take his place on the field. Below, Speedy could make out the lockers, shower baths and rubbing tables that comprised the bulk of the fittings in the ball players' rendezvous.
"Those two cops are still after me," Speedy panted.
"That so?" said Babe. "Well, you just stick down here for a while till they beat it. They'll never think of looking for you down here. If they do, just tell them to get in touch with me. I got you into this trouble and I'll get you out." With which suggestion and promise the famous Babe hurried on his way.
Speedy, delighted to obey and awe-struck to be invited into the sacred precincts frequented by Babe and Gehrig and Miller Huggins and the other gods of the diamond, walked down the steps and into the