that made Jerry Moore so mad?" Danny asked him curiously.
So Speedy had to tell his second epic of the evening, the account of his taxicab adventure with Babe Ruth and the cops at the Yankee Stadium.
"Well, you done wrong to desert the cab even if you did think you were going to be pinched," asserted Danny. "Moore tells us always to face the music rather than try and beat it from the cops. I don't blame him for firing you."
"Neither do I," said Speedy. "But it was sure a lucky break I did beat it into the Stadium. I would never have overheard that conversation over the telephone if I hadn't."
Speedy left them later to attend the meeting down in Pop's car. He was loath to desert Jane, but he felt that it would be ungracious of him if he did not join his battlers when they had done so much for him and Pop that day.
In the crowded car, the accustomed gathering being augmented by two score or more of the curious—so many that the car could not contain them all—the day's events were re-hashed again and again. Speedy was acclaimed the hero of the hour, though he modestly declined the honor and passed it on to Barnett, Walters and the others. The usual refreshments were produced and the assemblage did not break up until midnight.
If the boisterous celebrants had not still been talking excitedly and so intent upon their own business when they left the barn at that late hour, they might