ball as much as the next man. By the way, you knew the Yanks won today, didn't you?"
"No! Is that right? That's great!"
"Yes, the Babe broke up the game with a home tun into the right field bleachers. As a matter of fact, if you won't tell anybody, I'll let you in on a little secret; I rather think I'll go up to the game tomorrow afternoon myself!"
"You're lucky. If I only—"
But Harold stopped his Niagara of enthusiastic comment. The office manager had resumed his accustomed stern expression and had apparently ceased to recall that Speedy existed. Speedy hesitated, then started for the door.
He turned to say gratefully, "Thanks for the second chance, Mr. Talbott."
The office manager did not glance up as he replied crisply, "That's all right. See that you take advantage of it."