Page:Spider Boy (1928).pdf/108

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when he replied negatively. He had seen no new pictures.

You must. It's great. I had my way at last and I've put over a success. Unless I watch all the time these hams will ruin everything.

Come over to the lot and watch me work, urged the comedy director. You'll learn more about films that way than any of these other birds can teach you.

The comely actor scowlingly withdrew.

There were more cocktails.

Suddenly there was a startling change in the music. The band had been playing a fox-trot, but the rhythm shifted unexpectedly to waltz tempo. Now Ambrose noted that every one in the room had turned to face the staircase. Imperia was making her entrance.

She wore a corslet of soft blue feathers from which fell countless yards of grey chiffon, cut off short in jagged points just below the knee, but dragging far behind. Her black hair was combed straight back from her perfectly white face, slit by her vivid carmine lips. Her wide-spread fan was of silver lace.

The entrance of Imperia was the signal for the announcement that dinner was served and the group filed into the dining-room. Ambrose found his place