Page:Spider Boy (1928).pdf/150

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expenditure it would never be necessary for him to earn another dollar. He could, however, discern no possible advantage to be derived from this potential addition to his income as the royalties from his play, past and future, would amply provide for more than his mere comfort. He cherished no ambition to alter his habitual manner of living. He did not long to move into a more elaborate apartment or a house. He could imagine no interest in travel: the present unfortunate instance had taught him that travel might work actual mischief. He cherished no passion to entertain, except in a small way his immediate friends, an extremely limited circle, none of whom expected, or received, more elaborate refreshment than that provided by beer, highballs, and cheese or ham sandwiches. He assuredly had no intention of marrying. No, he couldn't see any logical benefit to be derived from adding a great many more thousand dollars to his present extremely satisfactory income.

This aspect of the case aside, moreover, he knew full well that it would be absolutely impossible for him even to embark on, much less achieve, a career as a moving picture script writer. Plots, adventures, escapades, whatever was demanded by this industry, were not his specialty. His talents rather had been developed along the lines of character, incident, and