Page:Spider Boy (1928).pdf/158

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He's got to, that's all, growled the director as he strode to the telephone.

The group listened attentively while he called the Invincible Studio and requested that Mr. Schwarzstein be put on the wire. After a painful interval his request was apparently fulfilled.

Hello, is that you, Lee? This is Herbert. . . . Herbert. . . . Herbert Ringrose. . . . Yes, I know you're busy. You've got to listen to me. . . . No, it won't take long. I'm at Imperia's. . . . Imperia Starling's. . . . Yes. That playwright we were talking to you about has seen Griesheimer. L.L.B.'s made him a tremendous offer, tremendous. Can't you shift his appointment forward? . . . Ambrose Deacon. . . . Deacon! Don't you remember? . . . But Griesheimer . . . All right. Yes, call me at Imperia's.

He says he'll call me back in five minutes, he explained as he replaced the receiver.

Let me talk to him! Imperia cried with resolution.

She quickly established a connection with the studio, but there appeared to be difficulty about getting through to Schwarzstein.

Who's this? she demanded. . . . I've got to talk to Mr. Schwarzstein. At once, do you hear? . . .