Page:Spider Boy (1928).pdf/166

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disturbance were reflected on their usually impassive countenances, but before they had found tongues to question him Imperia appeared, a wraithlike Imperia habited in a neglige of white ostrich plume filaments, followed by Elissa and Mama Starling in nightgowns and flannel dressing-sacques.

The situation offered a splendid opportunity to Imperia and she had taken full advantage of it, surpassing even her own extraordinary record for making scenes. Her accusations had poured forth in a stream so unbroken that Ambrose was given no chance to explain, even supposing that any plausible excuse for his peculiar behaviour had presented itself to his not too inventive mind. Mama too had added her wailings and there had been reason to believe that the servants themselves had not been satisfied with his unconventional deportment. The butler, indeed, had stiffly given notice.

Cowed by circumstances, Ambrose had meekly obeyed the star's injunctions to return to his chamber. His bags had followed him, borne by a footman whose expression had contributed to Ambrose's sense of shame.

For a considerable period after the door had slammed on his ignominy he could still hear alarums and excursions without. Imperia was making a