Page:Spider Boy (1928).pdf/199

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funny business going to end? They've got to let Ambrose go. They haven't got a damn thing on him.

Looks to me, the sheriff responded meditatively, if he's tellin' the truth, he's got somethin' on them.

He's telling the truth all right, Jack declared bitterly. When are they coming?

I was just explainin' to your friend they wired they'd be here today.

Well, they'd better be. I'll telephone Washington if they don't come. I won't have this man in jail another night.

Not that I don't like it here, Ambrose inserted apologetically. You've treated me fine.

Don't you speak of it, the sheriff remarked light-heartedly. If you're a friend of Jack's you get the best there is till you hang. I promise you that.

The sheriff made his departure. For the rest of the morning Jack stayed by his friend and they talked of many things. Indeed, for Ambrose, it was the quietest and most delightful morning he had put in since leaving New York.

A little after noon the party from California arrived and was immediately ushered into Ambrose's room by the sheriff.

Jack's right, the sheriff announced. You're free.