Page:Spider Boy (1928).pdf/210

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Ambrose nodded and accepted the proffered hand. The secretary discreetly withdrew.

Sit down, Deacon, Phil Lawrence urged. Heard a lot about you in New York from Jack Story.

Ambrose brightened at once. So you're a friend of Jack's!

Yes, best of friends. He doesn't know I'm out here though. He'd probably think I was Humpty Dumpty. Jack never could take the deaf-and-dumb racket seriously. I'm out here to clean up, he went on, and after I get my roll I'll fly back to Broadway et comment!

It's great luck for me to find a friend of Jack's here, Ambrose replied with real fervour.

Same here, Lawrence declared. You must be a wonder. Most guys write and write and try and try and don't get a look-in out here. Now you walk right in as if you were going to stay.

I don't know about that. Jack made me come.

Well, I'm sunk! Jack made you give the came-the-dawners the once-over? I'll believe anything after that. Honestly, Deacon, pass me the syrup. What are you doing out here? You're the last man in the world I'd pick to turn out the tripe they crave.

I don't know why I'm out here. I had damn little to do with it, I'll tell you that.

Get me, kid, Phil Lawrence explained. I'll say