Page:Spider Boy (1928).pdf/232

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You see, I've been chased too much by men. It's even worse here than it was in Kansas City.

The penalty of beauty, he surprisingly found him self saying.

Why, Ambrose!

Wilhelmina . . .

That's not my name, she announced unexpectedly.

Not your . . . !

It will do for the present. I hate to be untruthful. I couldn't lie to you, Ambrose. I admire you too much. I didn't want to mix my family up with my professional life, so I decided to adopt an alias. I made it up out of the names of the Queen of Holland and Henry, she confessed. I think it's a very good picture name, don't you? Wilhelmina Ford in Girls Will Be Women. That'll look very pretty on the ashcans. Or Wilhelmina Ford in Fine Feathers Do Not Make Fine Flappers, or—well, you can see for yourself.

Are you serious?

I'm always serious, and let me tell you something else, Ambrose, I shouldn't be at all surprised if I carried out my original intention and married you.

I think I'd like it!

She laughed. Peut-être jamais, peut-être demain, mais pas aujourd'hui: c'est certain.