Page:Spider Boy (1928).pdf/244

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for him a local celebrity, but he could not comprehend how it was that so many people already knew him by sight. It was a relief to remember that the disgraceful episode of the milkwagon lay in his more nearly anonymous past.

Seating himself, almost immediately he felt the light touch of a gloved hand on his shoulder, and turned to confront Imperia standing. She appeared rather soft and gentle in a beige chiffon frock with green orchids pinned to her shoulder and an enormous brown velvet hat. Rising, he stammered a greeting.

Mr. Deacon, I am delighted, she exclaimed radiantly, to read the news. What is good news for you is good news for me, always. I may count on you for Friday, she announced rather than inquired.

In his excessive embarrassment he nodded assent.

Till Friday then, she whispered, clasped his hand, and returned to her own table. Ambrose, before he sat down, caught a glimpse of Count Jaime sitting there. Imperia's place was behind him so that he could not see her when he was seated, but the welcome face of Auburn Six smiled over a table a few yards in front of him. Joining her, he was introduced