Page:Spider Boy (1928).pdf/276

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his hand: the music stopped and everybody in the set stood still.

Auburn, I didn't see that, he cried. Wait till you're closer to the camera. Get clear of the crowd. Make it clean cut. If the audience misses that scene they won't understand the next. Try it again. Music!

The dancers again went through with the scene and this time Ambrose saw Auburn extract a paper from the Russian General's coat, while she danced with him. The Russian General seemed to be unaware of the theft.

Stop! cried Hallam. Say, you in the yellow dress! You watched Miss Six do that! Look at your partners. Listen to the music. Don't anybody look at Miss Six.

The scene was rehearsed again, apparently successfully, for lights were presently added, powerful, glaring lights, and the cameras, set at several different angles, began to grind. The scene was taken five separate times, and then close-ups were made of Auburn robbing the General's pocket.

That's all for today, Hallam announced. Turning to Ambrose, he remarked, Well, I got it, didn't I?

Perfectly, Ambrose assured him. The playwright clipped and lighted one of Griesheimer's Meridiana Kohinoors.