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through the form of asking your opinion from time to time. It's done, and that's that!

So Ambrose remained in his bungalow at the Ambassador and, almost imperceptibly to him, became involved to an amazing extent in the social life of the community. There were bathing parties everybody had a pool of warm blue water on his own estate: even at the beach no one ever thought of bathing in the ocean—ping-pong parties, tennis parties, bridge parties, dances and dinners. Wilhelmina and Philip Lawrence dragged him about to these and after a brief period of futile objection he had submitted to being dragged without making further protest. In a way, after he had become accustomed to meeting the same people day after day—for the same group would go almost in a body from one house to another—he didn't mind so much. With Ambrose habit was all-important.

Wilhelmina had not secured a part in Spider Boy—in the new Russian version there was no suitable rôle—but L.L.B. had signed her up for a year and presently she was to do another picture with Dick Ruby, this time in the capacity of leading woman. It seemed reasonable to suppose that she would be a star before long.

Ambrose was assuredly growing accustomed to