Page:Spider Boy (1928).pdf/286

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How could you do it, no matter how much he persuaded you? How could you?

How could I what, Papa? Have you lost your mind? What are you talking about? Clearly Georgiana was impatient.

I'll make him marry you anyhow! With this declaration Abel Morris sprang to his feet with clenched fists and a new determination published in his eyes. Threatened anew, Ambrose rolled back on the bed, his hands and feet pushing helplessly upward like the paws of a terrified puppy.

Papa . . . Wilhelmina-Georgiana's voice rang out loud and clear . . . stop this nonsense at once. Why should you try to make Ambrose marry me? I think that's a matter for Ambrose and me to decide.

The manufacturer stared in bewilderment at his daughter.

Didn't he abduct you from your home and try to seduce you? he demanded.

Georgiana howled with laughter. Papa, you too! she cried. You've been going to the movies! . . . She turned to Ambrose. . . . I wish to God you had abducted me and seduced me, she assured him. It would have been too thrilling. That would have been worth waiting for.