Page:Spider Boy (1928).pdf/301

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covered that they were moving forward at a snail's pace in one of two unbroken lines of cars. Fortunately a policeman at a crossing recognized Auburn and sent her Marmon ahead of the line. In this dishonest manner they gained about half a mile. The kerb was edged with spectators. Auburn was marked at once and whenever the car passed beneath a streetlamp, the crowd shrieked its cheers. It seemed to Ambrose as though Tiberius could never have made as triumphant an entry into Rome as Auburn Six, on this occasion, made into Hollywood.

It's marvellous, Georgiana cried, really marvellous! I think I want to be a moving picture star after all.

Wait, Auburn adjured her. This is nothing.

She was right. As the car made further progress, the way was frequently blocked by traffic regulations. Now the crowd surged forward, breaking through the police ranks. Faces were pressed against the car windows. Voices cried: Auburn Six! Our Love! Wonderful Auburn Six! Hurray!

It's your evening! Georgiana admitted in involuntary admiration.

Ambrose will have his turn, Auburn promised.

Squirming a little at this, Ambrose wished he had drunk a little more champagne.