Page:Spider Boy (1928).pdf/310

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about the room now. . . . I think I told you once it was a front-page complex. You are a celebrity of the very first water and I adore celebrities.

But you might have found a handsomer one.

Well then, if you must know, it's because you're a woojums!

She embraced him. Presently she seated herself across the arm of his chair and began to twist his ear.

Darling Billie, Ambrose declared, I'm tired of crowds and success and fame and all this stuff. Let's go away somewhere where we can be alone just with each other. Let's go to Cambodia. Have you ever heard of Angkor Wat? It's the most marvellous temple in the world, all alone by itself in the midst of an uninhabited jungle. Thousands and thousands of bas-reliefs carved on the walls. Let's . . .

Ambrose Deacon, you must be mad! . . . Georgiana sat up straight and regarded him intently. . . . Now, at the height of your fame, go to Cambodia! You're going straight back to New York to write another play to show what a great man you are. Besides, she went on, I want to meet George Gershwin and Jimmie Walker and Percy Hammond and Mencken and Alfred Lunt and Theodore Dreiser and Fred Astaire and Carl Van Vechten and Paul