Page:Spider Boy (1928).pdf/44

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contented himself by making a sign of negation, a sign, however, which actually implied physical distaste.

I can never believe you don't want fame, Abel Morris cried, shaking his powerful head back and forth, and adding, with a certain awe, You're a creator. You bring forth . . .

No! No! protested Ambrose. A vision of those Harvard men in horn-rimmed glasses haunted him again.

Abel Morris was crestfallen. There must be creation, he continued doggedly. God taught us that. What kind doesn't matter, but there must be creation. A play or a son, it doesn't matter. It does matter if you have something to pass on, to show posterity, to glorify your name.

Ambrose winced. Those Harvard men! The interviews! What did he know about creation?

I promised to join my friend in the club car, he reminded Abel Morris. Want to come along?

Abel Morris did. Only, he added, I want to collect some hooch out of my valise. Wouldn't you like to try a little genuine Bourbon? I've had it in the wood for ten years.

Ambrose nodded his answer. In rising, he contrived to upset a finger-bowl, a considerable feat of