Page:Spider Boy (1928).pdf/67

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kerchiefs, and cranking cameras had played their part. It was also at the station that Miss Starling's entourage had been increased by the addition of Count Jaime Supari, of Cuba, Herbert Ringrose had explained, while it occurred to Ambrose to wonder if Cuban Counts were papal. The greeting of Imperia and her noble friend was worthy of a close-up and actually received this tribute, four camera men grinding lustily in the interests of history. The Count, it was immediately apparent, regarded the presence of Ambrose with some suspicion, not to say disfavour, but after a hastily whispered injunction from Imperia he made at least a modest effort to be civil. At any rate during the long drive he relieved Ambrose of the responsibility of conversation—Herbert Ringrose had left them at the station—as he devoted himself entirely to the star, permitting her only an occasional opportunity to point out the passing wonders to her distinguished guest.

The first view of the bungalow was sufficiently imposing, but the sight of the line of footmen in plum-coloured uniforms, beginning at the second terrace and extending, suitably spaced, to the entrance, almost overwhelmed Ambrose. Imperia responded to their low bows with sundry queenly nods. She