Page:Spider Boy (1928).pdf/97

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brose to confide effusively, He's no more Count than you are!

It cannot be said that Ambrose received this announcement with astonishment. He hardly listened to it, in fact, so bent was he on getting away.

No present opportunity was offered him to effect his escape as Mrs. Starling now firmly seized his right arm as she asserted, Here is where you come in!

I come in! Disengaging his captured arm, Ambrose sprang to his feet.

You come in, she repeated firmly. Sit down, please. I'm only beginning.

He obeyed her. What else, he demanded of himself, could he conceivably do?

Imperia likes you. She more than likes you. . . . Her emphasis reminded Ambrose unpleasantly of Wilhelmina Ford's remarks on this subject. . . . I know her. She'd never bring you here unless she had her eye on you.

She said . . .

I know what she said. She told you she wanted you to write a film for her. She does, too. That's her business, and if she had her way every writer in the world'd be busy writin' stories for her to pick an'