Then see Him inflamed with the fervent desire that you should willingly bear your affliction, and still turning to His Father, behold Him praying for you, that He would vouchsafe to give you grace patiently to bear your cross, both that which is now weighing heavily upon you, and all others which may be laid upon you hereafter.
Here bend your will again and again to will to suffer all with a patient spirit; and then, turning to the Eternal Father, thank Him for having, out of His pure Love, sent His Only-begotten Son into the world to endure such bitter pain, and to intercede for you; then ask Him through the merit of the Works and Prayers of His Beloved Son, to grant you the virtue of patience.
Of another Way of Praying by Way of Meditation.
YOU may also resort to another plan of praying and meditating. After you have attentively considered the afflictions of the Lord, and dwelt upon His cheerful acceptance of them, you may pass on from the greatness of His Travail and of His Patience to two other considerations—