Divine Son, Who is ever ready to hear your prayer.
Lastly, contemplate the most Holy Virgin herself, remembering how Divine Providence from all eternity has chosen her to be the Mother of the Author of grace and pity, so that, beneath her Blessed Son, there is no one so full of tenderness, no one whose prayers are so powerful. Represent that which has been written of her, and which it is said experience has found by so many wonderful results, that no one ever faithfully asked that her prayers might be granted to them, and asked in vain. Recall the sufferings which her Son endured for your salvation; ask that her prayers may obtain grace for you to profit by them, that His Passion may work in you the results He desired, to His glory and Satisfaction.
Of certain Considerations as to Faith and Confidence in the Prayers of the Virgin Mary.
IF you would have recourse to the prayers of the Blessed Virgin with confidence, you may encourage yourself by the following considerations.
First, every one knows by experience that a